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Loving The Country Life

Call me a redneck. Country bumpkin. A hick from the hills. Honestly, I’d say these are all compliments. I know most of these terms are considered derogatory. The way I look at it, I’d instead be considered any of these than a city slicker. But maybe that’s just me. I’m loving the country life!

Loving The Country Life

Loving The Country Life

If I had a say, I wouldn’t trade this country life for an urban dwelling. I realize I already have lost some readers. They can’t fathom living in a rural setting. So, let me try to illustrate the beauty of loving the country life. It is so wonderfully appealing to my husband and me.  

In short, country living feeds my senses, fuels my soul, and inspires my faith. For example:

Imagine a cool autumn evening. The sun has recently departed from its low hang on the horizon. The crisp air is blowing through the windows. You notice the glimmer of starlight and moonlight beginning to stream in. Without warning, you hear the melancholy, yet jovial howls of coyotes running the hills of the countryside. You can smell harvest in the air, an earthy aroma you can almost taste. You take a moment to soak it all in, and you feel…content, completely at peace, quiet…still.

I’m just describing one random evening I remember like it was yesterday. Each day has its moments, too, and the changing seasons provoke interest throughout the year. This is one of the reasons I love the country life.


Let’s say I have no wish to replace a sunset fading into the marsh with a skyscraper skyline. I also don’t want the sounds of a city waking up for the night. I’ll take the crunch of a gravel road under my feet over a paved concrete jungle any day. That’s part of why I love living in the country.

But I’m not too big to admit there are some hang-ups in choosing this country life. Here’s a shortened version of the text: Remember to be prepared. Plan suitably because there’s no quick trip to the store for forgotten items. Adapt, improvise, and make do. Avoid extra trips into town. Seek help from neighbors to fix things yourself. With all these challenges, loving the country life requires some adjustments.

And just as I’m sure urban living isn’t all bliss, there is one thing I know for sure. When it comes to choosing a life worth living, it is indeed our choice. We take the bad with the good and decide what makes us happiest and fulfills our purpose. For me, I will always choose to love the country life.

This Calling

Over time, I have become confident in my choice. Living away from major metropolises is a part of my calling. It’s who I am meant to be. And hey, it does bring some authenticity to my blog, right? It wouldn’t make much sense for a City Mouse to be the Country Sweetheart right now. Plus, I’ve come to realize how much I love the country life.

What do I love most about living away from the city lights? I would have to say the closeness I feel to God daily. Many would agree that spending time in nature, in awe of His creation, deepens one’s faith. I get to experience this every day. I list all the benefits of nature here, but I’ll save that for another post. For me, loving the country life and nature instilling faith are at the top of the list.

For every beast of the forest is Mine,

And cattle on a thousand hills.

I know all the birds of the mountains,

and the wild beasts of the field are mine.

Proverbs 50:10-11 (NKJV)

This Calling {Part 2}

For you shall go out with joy,

And be led out with peace;

The mountains and the hills

Shall break forth into singing before you,

And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Isaiah – 55:12 (NKJV)

If you share this passion for country living with me, do me a favor, and don’t take it for granted. Stand outside on a starry night. Appreciate the ability to view the Milky Way without the glare of light pollution. The next time snow covers your country road, make a point to be the first to break through. Do it in your footsteps. Please take a moment, an intentional, voluntary moment, to sit quietly in the stillness of the outdoors. Experience your senses coming to life as the world around you reveals itself. Take in every moment of loving your country life.

Suppose you enjoy reading about loving the country life but can’t claim it for yourself. There is something you can do. Suppose you enjoy reading about loving the country life but can’t claim it for yourself. There is something you can do. Get outside and connect with nature. Wander through the woods nearby. Go to a park and lay on your back, watching the clouds pass over.

Seek God in the Stillness. Ask Him the tough questions. Rediscover your purpose. Wonder who you are meant to be. And in God’s silent answer, He will speak volumes. You have options if you love reading about country life but can’t live it yourself. You can still enjoy the essence of loving the country life in various ways.

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