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Homesteading 101: A City Girl’s Path to Self-Reliance and Health

What led a city girl from Springfield, Illinois, to start a homestead in the country? It was quite a journey. This is one homesteader’s journey from an unfulfilling job to a life of empowerment and abundance. My life has changed because I took control of it.

City Girl to Homesteader

You couldn’t have persuaded me a decade ago that my life would change dramatically. You couldn’t have persuaded me that I would become a homesteader. I wouldn’t have been convinced if I had known what a homesteader was!

Why I went from city girl to homesteader

When I was 11 years old, my parents and I moved. I was never a city girl. My parents planted six fruit trees and a lush garden shortly after moving. I helped with the garden each day after school. We decided to raise Angus cattle that summer. Although most people assume cows are naturally mean, that is only true when they have calves. In actuality, bulls aren’t mean; they’re playful; they don’t realize their size and weight will hurt someone.

As I got older, I became more interested in eating healthier and using natural products in my home. We had a garden, so I became familiar with canning our food. I learned from other homemakers and farmers in the country through the Internet.

I’ve never canned food or raised animals before. I learned how to do these things after moving to the country. When I was a child, my father’s mother had a small garden, so I knew I wanted one too.

Homesteaders: what are they?

Homesteaders tamed the wilderness and built homes on the open prairie. They did this to earn free land from the government in the past. Native tensions, wild animals, and the land caused these families tremendous hardship.

Today, homesteaders use their land (one acre or 100 acres) to grow food and raise animals to feed their families. To become self-reliant, they use modern conveniences and time-tested techniques.

My goal is to learn skills that will allow me to support my family partially on my own. On our 100-acre homestead, we use our resources wisely and frugally, a change from my city girl days. In the future, I hope to teach my children to work hard and that sometimes the old ways work best.

From city girl to homesteader:

  1. I’m in good health (or in remission), and I’m not taking any medication. As a result, I feel more in control of my life. Part of it was changing my situation, and part of it was improving my diet. Food is fuel. I highly recommend The Paleo Solution.
  2. Even though I still get overwhelmed by the abundance of healthy food in the kitchen, it is a natural gift. Every person I know can grow it in their yard, CSA, or farmers’ market.
  3. It’s my thing! I am one, although I didn’t set out to be a homesteader. I’ve been gardening and growing food for years and not getting paid for it in money. Homesteading can give us power, happiness, freedom from debt, and a healthy relationship with the earth. Being a husband or wife is not the same as homesteading. Homesteaders increase their home’s efficiency and self-reliance. In the long term, having one homesteader saves money.

Effective Outreach Means Self-Responsibility

Having a homestead was not a goal. My family and I built our lives together. I was trying to figure out how to live a fulfilling life. I was once a city girl, looking to impact the world.

What did we find out?

To offer something of value to others, we must first take care of ourselves.

Find out how to start a homestead without being overwhelmed!

Eating real food and joining a CSA healed our health. Then, we live in a way that adds value to the world, attracting people with like minds.

You will be unstoppable in changing the world when your health and home are in order.

Are you interested in taking the next step?


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